
  • Easy-to-use "alphabet CSS" for components, grids, and utility styles, keeping embedded styles concise.

  • CSS3 enhancements for advanced styling options like color gradients, rounded corners, shadows, glows, hover effects, animations, dark mode, video, and more.

  • Bulletproof, vetted HTML markup that eliminates "table hell" and utilizes divs and conditional tables where needed for MS Outlook desktop compatibility.

  • Comprehensive set of popular email components, including: hero, preheader, header and footer, layout grid, CTA buttons, callouts, slideshows, articles, dividers, social elements, forms, video, and more.

  • Innovative "responsive row" grid enabling mobile-responsive layout options, catering to the majority of email consumption happening on mobile devices.

  • Inline styling is eliminated, resulting in more concise code, faster sends, improved user experience, and reduced bandwidth usage.

  • Graceful fallbacks and compatibility ensure consistent rendering across all email clients.


  • Leverages the HTML and CSS knowledge your developers already possess, minimizing the need for additional training.

  • Compact email code allows for faster sending, better user experience, and reduced bandwidth usage.

  • Consistent and easily customizable components ensure coherence in your communications.

  • The plōvr UX CSS is easily extendable, allowing for seamless alignment with your company's brand.

  • Built-in accessibility and aesthetic features, such as dark mode and mobile responsiveness, provide enhanced user experiences.

  • Advanced styling options help keep your messages on-brand and enable interactive and engaging content.

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plōvr UX

Elevate Your Email Templates

Unleash the potential of your email campaigns with plōvr UX. Simplify the creation of powerful and modern email templates using your existing development and design skills. With intuitive usability and comprehensive documentation, plōvr UX empowers you to effortlessly design stunning and engaging emails that captivate your audience.

Empower your email marketing

Unlock the full potential of your email campaigns

With plōvr, you have the tools and expertise to unleash the true power of your email marketing initiatives. From creating captivating templates to transforming your portfolio and seamlessly integrating into your workflow, plōvr empowers you to drive higher engagement, increase ROI, and achieve your business objectives with confidence.